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Peace and Joy Now | Creating a Life of Abundance and Success

“Create a life you love, filled with prosperity, vibrant health, love and success through clearing out the blocks, aligning with high vibrational energies and empowering your dreams. I will show you how."

Freedom Coaching

WHEN? You’re feeling stuck, you’re locked in struggle, fear, anxiety, worry and negative mind chatter. You want to Release emotional and physical pain. You...




DIVINE ATTUNEMENT This process allows God’s Grace to flow through you with ease. It attunes you to the higher realms, where there is no struggle, only peace,...


To clear your issues, blocks and negative beliefs I will be using The Quick Pulse Technique, founded by Jo Dunning. It’s a new way to help change things you would like to have different in your life. This is a premier cutting edge process that has changed...

Peace and Joy

This site is dedicated to bringing you a life filled with Peace and Joy, through releasing stagnant energy and raising your vibration. All products and services are gifts from Source Energy/Divine Love. Everthing written here is designed to raise your vibrational frequency and make you feel good!!! When you feel good, you can easily attract everything you’ve been waiting for. This is Law of Attraction at it’s best. What you feel and focus on is what you receive. Why not have a life of abundance, ease and flow?

10 Ways to Raise Your Manifesting Vibration

Here are 10 easy ways to raise your vibration so that you can be a match to your dreams and be a manifesting magnet and you will be able to convert youtube videos to mp3 with ease . The good news is that most of these take 5 minutes or less to do.

1. Merge with or call in your higher being (Source energy, God, Higher Self, etc.) Just intend that this presence enfold you in it’s arms and surround you with peace and love. This is really good to do first thing in the morning and last thing at night while in bed.

2. Visualize what you desire from …


VIBRATIONAL HEALINGS are ordered in set of three to allow deep healing to take place. You can also order a single, in-depth one hour healing session with counseling. They can be ordered for yourself, a...

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