Are You Flying Free and Unobstructed, or Are Your Wings Clipped?
Recently I was having a conversation with my brother about a recent relationship of his and he said that he wasn't able to fly straight and felt like his wings were clipped in this relationship. I thought that was a very appropriate title for what most of us are going through in many areas of our lives. My brother had been in an off -and-on relationship with a woman for a long time. When he was in the relationship, neither party was happy and his money-making ability seemed to dry up. When...
Read MoreWhat Old Story that’s not serving you are you telling yourself every day?
Do you have a simple story in your mind that is running your whole life? I give freedom coaching sessions that are guided by Divine Grace and in those sessions we allow old stagnant energy and feelings to release and move by feeling them. I recently worked with a woman who had had severe boughts of illness all of her life, as well as having relationship issues and money problems. My client came to me with the readiness to allow Divine Grace and coaching to help her move into a life worth...
Read MoreAre you working too hard in attracting what you desire?
I'm a bit a TV watcher and usually avoid the reality shows unless they involve dancing. But, I decided to watch the show, Harry and Lisa - about the lives of Actors, Harry Hamlin, Lisa Rinna and their 2 daughters. I was intrigued because they seem to have their lives together and have been married for some time and have 2 nice pre-teen daughters. The couple is very supportive of each other and here's how a particular topic turned out. Harry stopped acting for many years to help in the...
Read MoreCan you manifest as easily as this man did?
Does manifesting really have to be hard and take a lot of time and focus? Well, think again. See how my friend attracted the job, climate and life of his dreams with ease. Many of you may know that I love to play and watch tennis. Well, my friend, Larry, who was also my tennis teacher, reminded me of how easily and quickly his dream happened for him a couple of years ago. Larry was an assistant Tennis Pro in Colorado, teaching many people like myself and running the children's tennis...
Read MoreChange your perspective, or at least your story and change your situation and your life!
Sometimes we get too deeply entrenched in our "reality", which is really how we perceive things - that we feel stuck there and we can't see a way out. That's why there are coaches - to allow you to see things differently, help you release resistance and raise your vibration so that you can manifest what you desire. The story that we tell ourselves and others over and over keeps us locked in what we don't want because we tell it so frequently that our vibration seems locked there. If we just...
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